short notes on Active and Passive Voice in English grammar - Eduquizindia

Here are some short notes on Active and Passive Voice in English grammar:

Active Voice

- The subject performs the action described by the verb

- Verb tense remains the same

- Example: "The dog bites the man" (The dog is the subject performing the action)

Passive Voice

- The subject receives the action described by the verb

- Verb tense changes to match the passive form

- Example: "The man was bitten by the dog" (The man is the subject receiving the action)

Changes in Passive Voice

- Present Simple → Present Simple Passive (is/am/are + past participle)

- Present Continuous → Present Continuous Passive (is/am/are + being + past participle)

- Present Perfect → Present Perfect Passive (has/have + been + past participle)

- Past Simple → Past Simple Passive (was/were + past participle)

- Past Continuous → Past Continuous Passive (was/were + being + past participle)

- Past Perfect → Past Perfect Passive (had + been + past participle)

Special cases

- Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would) remain the same in passive voice

- Some verbs (like "be", "have", "do") have different passive forms

These notes cover the basic rules for converting Active Voice to Passive Voice in English grammar. Let me know if you have any specific questions or need further clarification!


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