The Indian government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has launched an ambitious initiative named PRITHVI (PRITHvi VIgyan), a comprehensive scheme by the Ministry of Earth Sciences. With a significant budget of Rs. 4,797 crore, the program spans from 2021-26, marking a new era in the study and understanding of Earth sciences in India.
Objectives of PRITHVI Scheme
The PRITHVI scheme aims to revolutionize our understanding and interaction with various Earth systems. Its objectives include :-
• Long-Term Observations: Strengthening the continuous
monitoring of the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, geosphere,
cryosphere, and solid earth to track and record essential
• Model Development: Creating advanced models for better forecasting of weather, oceanic, and climatic hazards, and deepening the understanding of climate change.
• Polar and Oceanic Exploration: Venturing into the
unexplored polar regions and high seas to discover new
phenomena and resources.
• Technology Advancement: Innovating technologies for the sustainable exploitation of oceanic resources, benefiting society.
• Knowledge Translation: Converting scientific insights into practical services for societal, environmental, and
economic advantages.
The Role of the Ministry of Earth Sciences
The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) plays a pivotal role in this initiative, translating scientific knowledge into valuable services for society. These services encompass:
- Weather forecasts and warnings.
- Alerts for natural disasters like cyclones, floods, and tsunamis.
- Earthquake monitoring and more.
Prithiv Scheme: Operational and Research Framework
The MoES conducts its research and operational activities through ten esteemed institutes, including:
- India Meteorological Department (IMD)
- National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF)
- Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology (CMLRE) And others
These institutes work in tandem, supported by a fleet of
research vessels, to conduct ground-breaking research and provide essential services.
Earth System Sciences: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Earth System Sciences encompass the comprehensive study of the Earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere. MoES’s PRITHVI scheme takes a holistic approach to these disciplines, integrating their complex interactions for a deeper understanding of Earth sciences.
The Impact of PRITHV
PRITHVI promises to unify various disciplines under Earth sciences, fostering integrated, multidisciplinary research. This collaborative effort aims to address significant challenges in weather, climate, oceanography, cryospheric studies, seismology, and sustainable resource utilization.
In conclusion, the PRITHVI scheme represents a significant leap forward in the realm of Earth sciences in India. It not only enhances our understanding of Earth’s complex systems but also ensures that this knowledge is transformed into practical applications for societal benefit. With its comprehensive
approach and robust framework, PRITHVI is set to make a lasting impact on how we interact with and understand our planet.