Ayurvedic Detox Diet Plans for weight loss: Recharge Your Body Naturally

Welcome to eduquizindia Get ready to embark on a journey of wellness and revitalization! In this guide, we're unveiling Ayurvedic detox diet plans that draw upon ancient wisdom to naturally cleanse your body. Say goodbye to fatigue, lackluster skin, and cravings, and get ready to welcome a renewed you!

Why ? Ayurvedic Detox Matters: Restoring Your Inner Balance

  • When the water pipe gets choked with unwanted matter, the water pressure reduces. 
  • Similarly, if your body is not clean within, it cannot work at its optimum level. 
  • Tiredness, junk food cravings, dull skin, digestive issues and disturbed sleep are the signs that your body needs a cleanse. 
  • On the flipside, when the body gets rid of the accumulated waste inside, our digestive system works better, you feel full of energy, skin begins to glow, hair gets better, weight loss plateau breaks and a natural calmness resides within You.
  • Detoxifying isn't just a fleeting trend—it's a path to restoring harmony in your body. Toxins accumulate from various sources—unhealthy choices, medications, and the environment. They can leave you feeling drained, affect your skin, digestion, and even your sleep. Ayurvedic detox is like a reset button that brings back equilibrium.

How ? bodies can accumulate toxins over time

You must be wondering how do these toxins get's  accumulated at the first place. Bad food choices, prolonged usage of medicines, sleep deprivation and environmental pollutants are some of the causes of toxic buildup.

  1. Bad Food Choices: Unhealthy foods with sugar, fats, and additives challenge detox systems, causing toxin buildup.
  2. Medication Use: Long-term medicines introduce substances that the body must process, potentially straining detox organs.
  3. Sleep Deprivation: Inadequate sleep disrupts detox during rest, hindering toxin elimination and causing accumulation.
  4. Environmental Pollutants: Chemicals and pollutants in air, water, and products can overwhelm detox processes, leading to toxin retention.

→But don't worry, our  body is well equipped to push these toxins out, provided we create the right environment. And  that's what this article focusses at. I am going to show you exactly what you should eat in day when you feel like detoxing your body. So, let's begin.

Morning Magic: Kickstart Your Day with

  • Just after waking up, you need to drink 1 to 2 glasses of hot water. Irrespective of the weather,
  • I recommend that you drink hot water, especially when you want to speed up the detox process.
  • When you drink hot water, body temperature raises which activates the complete body system and you are able to evacuate your bowels easily.

The CCF Tea Elixir: Ignite Your Body's Natural Cleansing

After you have freshened up, you should start your day with this CCF tea which is often called Ayurveda's miracle tea or sometimes even the Classic detox tea. 

How to make CCF tea at home ?


  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 4 cups water


1. Gather the Ingredients→ Collect cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds. 

2. Prepare the Seeds→ Measure out 1 teaspoon each of cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds. These seeds contribute unique flavors and potential health benefits to the tea.

3. Boil Water→ Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a kettle or pot.

4. Add the Seeds→ Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add the measured cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds to the boiling water.

5. Simmer→ Reduce the heat to low and let the seeds simmer in the water for about 5-10 minutes. 

6. Strain and Serve→ After simmering, turn off the heat. Strain the tea using a fine mesh strainer into cups or mugs. This will remove the seeds, leaving behind the flavorful and aromatic liquid.

7. Optional Additions→ You can customize your CCF tea by adding a touch of honey or a squeeze of lemon for added flavor. Honey can add a hint of sweetness, while lemon provides a refreshing tang.

8. Enjoy→ Your CCF tea is ready to be enjoyed! Sip it slowly and savor the warm and soothing flavors. It's best to have this tea warm or at room temperature.

Breakfast Bliss: Fueling Your Body's Renewal

Now, lets move to breakfast. For breakfast, I am having a big bowl of pomegranate. Now, this might be a difficult fruit to eat but its worth the effort. Not only  its tasty and filling, but its well known for its detoxifying properties. 3 times more antioxidants than green tea, its the seeds of the pomegranate which help cleanse the undigested matter in the gut. You can choose any other seasonal fruit as well. 

Don't mix. Choose any one. If you prefer drinking for breakfast, you can have spiced channa sattu. Rich in protein, it will keep you full for long. 

If this isn't enough to satisfy your hunger, another option can be vegetable oats. Along with your favourite vegetables, I would recommend that you use steel cut oats rather than the regular rolled oats, to make a fibre rich filling meal. It will help you if you use minimum spices. 

Now, let you can enjoy your breakfast while I will see you for the next meal of the day which is lunch. 

Lunch: A Detox Delight

It's lunch time,

for lunch, personally I am going to have millet khichadi. Why millets? You may ask. No doubt,  millets are a super grain. But more importantly, most of us are used to eating either wheat  or rice. Now, since our goal is to detox, it will be greatly supportive if you choose a  grain which you are not used to eating daily. Which is why millets. You can choose any  millet. I have used foxtail millet with green moong dal. Make sure that you use whole green moong to make this khichadi. 

There is no rocket science in making khichadi but ofcourse  there is a science why this complete source of protein is light and detoxifying for the system. If you wish, you can even add a few vegetables while making the khichadi. Its yummy. 

How to make green moong dal and foxtail khichadi ?


  • 1 cup foxtail millet
  • 1/2 cup split green moong dal
  • 2 tbsp ghee or oil
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • Spices: 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp cumin powder, 1/2 tsp coriander powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Water: 4 cups
  • Optional: Chopped vegetables, fresh coriander leaves


  1. 1Wash and soak foxtail millet and green moong dal for 30 mins.
  2. Heat ghee/oil, add cumin seeds. Sauté soaked millet, dal, and spices.
  3. Add water and optional chopped veggies. Pressure cook for 3-4 whistles.
  4. Open after pressure release, adjust consistency, garnish with coriander.
  5. Serve hot with yogurt or ghee.

Although, if you are looking for another option for lunch, 1 chapati along with a big bowl of lauki sabzi or turai sabzi can be eaten. Both these vegetables are known to eliminate  detrimental free radicals from the system, avert oxidative damage to healthy skin tissues  and purify the blood. And for the chapati the same rule applies. Use a grain which you are not used to eating. You can try jowar or bajra. 

Third option for lunch can be the humble moong dal sprout chaat. Alright, I am quite a fan of khichadi. I can't  wait to have it. I will see you in the evening

Snack Smart: Energizing Your Way Forward evening 

  • Its 5 PM and its time for an evening snack. When it comes to snacking, nothing comes close to fruits. Which is why I am having jamun. In this season The humble jamun is highly effective in purifying the blood. Although, you can choose any other fruit as well. Apple is an option. You can even combine some soaked and peeled almonds along. 
  • A handful of raisins soaked in half a glass of water is another amazing option. Eat the raisins and drink the delicious water. Raisins not only provide strength to the body tissues but also helps get rid of constipation. 
  • Although, I am happy having jamun today. Let me enjoy these while I will see you for dinner.

Dinner Delights: Light and Nourishing

Its dinner time and for dinner, we will keep it light. I am having tomato soap with a handful of roasted makahna. In dinner, its paramount that we do not burden the system with food. So, soups are the best. You can even have mixed  vegetable soup. Just make sure that you keep it very simple.

Don't add corn starch or anything  like that. It will beat its purpose. When you slowly drink hot soup, it will easily satiate your  hunger. 

However, if this isn't enough for you, then another option for dinner is a bowl of lauki sabzi or turai sabzi. You already know why we are pressing on these two vegetables. One more option can be a bowl of dal. Avoid using heavy lentils like black urad. Moong and matki are better. 

But this soup looks delicious, isn't it? Well, it is. Its light, healthy and  tasty. Exactly what we need. After dinner, there is one more thing you need to take which will take this detox diet to a new level. Wait for it.

Nighttime Nurturing: Preparing for Tomorrow

So, its about 9 PM and I am going to have 1/4th glass of lukewarm water with ½ a teaspoon of triphala powder mixed in it. Triphala, made  using 3 powerful fruits, Amla, harad and baheda, its an Ayurvedic wonder for detoxification  and rejuvenation. Especially when taken before bed, it acts as a laxative, emptying the  accumulated waste with force, the next morning.

Now, its important that you sleep well so that  the house keeping workers in your body get a proper chance to work and get rid of the dead  waste lying within your system. So, good night.

3 Days Detox Plan: A Quick Reboot for Freshness

Now, just 1 day of this detox diet is effective in pushing out the toxins from the body. Although, if you want, you can extend this diet for another day.

Day 1: 

A Refreshing Start: Begin your three-day detox with a glass of warm water to invigorate your system.

Day 2: 

Nourishing from Within: Experience the goodness of millet khichadi for lunch and the energy boost of jamun as your snack.

Day 3:

Concluding with Triphala: Wrap up your rapid detox with a dose of triphala before bedtime, setting the stage for a renewed tomorrow.

7 Days Detox Plan: A Comprehensive Renewal

Days 4 to 6: 

Building Resilience: Embrace a comprehensive seven-day plan, introducing a variety of foods and Ayurvedic recipes to support your body's renewal.

Day 7: 

Reflect and Recharge: Finish your week with self-care and contemplation, celebrating the rejuvenated energy that comes from a week of mindful eating and Ayurvedic practices.

Conclusion and recap Journey

Your Detox Expedition: Bravo on completing your chosen detox plan! Feel the lightness and clarity that comes with this journey. Whether it was the 3-day or 7-day route, you're on the path to lasting wellness.

If we quickly recap, 

  • just after you wake up drink 1-2 glasses of hot water.
  • After getting freshened up, drink cumin coriander fennel tea. 
  • For breakfast, have a big bowl of pomegranate. 
  • For lunch prefer millet khichadi.  
  • In the evening, eat a piece of fruit. 
  • For dinner, have soup. 
  • And before going to sleep at night have triphala powder mixed in lukewarm water. 
  • Drink enough water in between the meals. You can drink CCF tea whenever you feel like. 

Exploring Your Wellness Odyssey

Keep the momentum going! Extend your detox or explore other Ayurvedic practices. Share your thoughts and questions with us in the comments. Subscribe for more insights on embracing your best self, the Ayurvedic way.

Ready to Begin Your Detox Voyage?

Are you eager to kickstart your detox journey? Embrace Ayurvedic principles to recharge your body. Your voyage towards feeling fantastic starts now!


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